

How do I get started in services?
Individuals interested in waiver services may contact The Guidance Center at
814-362-6535 and ask about Developmental Disability Services.
What is the PUNS?
PUNS stands for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services. The PUNS form
gathers information about your situation, your needs (current and anticipated)
and what services & supports you many need through the Office of
Developmental Programs.
What is the waiting list?
The waiting list refers to the number of persons who have completed a PUNS,
but are waiting for available funding or waivers to receive services.
How long do I have to wait?
It is important to remember that the Waiting List is not like a typical waiting line
where each person has a number. The county matches available resources with
individual needs to determine who gets services and when. Only individuals with
an “emergency” need for service can be enrolled in the waivers.
What is a Waiver?
Waiver is a short way of saying "Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver
Program." Waivers pay for supports and services that eligible people need to live
in the community instead of an institution. Waiver programs are funded by federal
and state monies. The federal (Medicaid) portion of funding is matched by the
state. The two types of waiver programs are:

o Person/Family Directed Support (PFDS) Waiver: It is known as the "small"
waiver because it has a cap of $33,000 per person each fiscal year. This
funding can be used to get the support you need to participate in a wide
range of activities in your community. The PFDS waiver cannot support
residential services in a community home.

o Consolidated Waiver: This waiver is sometimes referred to as the "big"
waiver, or residential waiver because it can include residential services in
community homes. There is no set dollar cap on your individual budget to
purchase needed supports that you can receive. The amount of support
will be based on needs as determined through the planning process.

o Community Living Waiver. The most recent option available for
individuals and has a cap of $70,000. This waiver may be sufficient to
participate in the LifeSharing Residential option.
Is it possible to Lose My Waiver After I am Enrolled?
Yes, you must continue to meet the following criteria annually:

o Eligibility for DD Services
o Level of Care (ICF/ID) — This means that you have the same level of care
needs as someone who would receive the same services in an institution.
o Financial eligibility — This is determined by the County Assistance Office